1 min read

The Translator's Coin

Puzzle hunts usually have a way of never working the way you expected. As both a hunter and creator I've seen it now from both sides of the table.

Puzzle hunts usually have a way of having unexpected twists and turns. As both a hunter and creator I've seen it now from both sides of the table.

I was alerted to the mistake this morning when I saw the message board activity discussing a hidden poem. I was like why are we talking about sharks and hidden poems. Then I saw the words they found and couldn't believe a rough draft version of the puzzle hunt had made its way into the final image somehow. Please disregard the hidden text buried in the bits of the puzzle file. There are no sharks in this puzzle.

I am sorry for this confusion and the distraction from the intended puzzle. Now let's see if we can get a winner.

Help finding the coin

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