Next Retro13 Armchair Puzzle Hunt
For the next Retro13 puzzle hunt the most likely title is "The Translator". It follows similar patterns to my prior puzzles but introduces some new challenges. Also the prize will be $50 plus an extra $50 thanks to 0o The Puzzler o0 paying their prize money forward after being first to the coin in The Wayfinder puzzle game.
Other puzzles happening
There are 7 hunts recently launched for the Masquerade Tribute, here on this forum
Easter is the last weekend in March.
cowlazars and Kpro are launching a hunt the first week of April. I ordered my book.
When will the Retro13 puzzle launch though?
I am thinking the next Retro13 puzzle hunt will be out mid April or beginning of May so I am not competing for attention with other fun and interesting puzzles. I know I will be working at least some of these and I expect some of you will as well.
If you are subscribed at you won't miss the launch.